즐거운 오후2시

즐거운 오후2시

14시 05분 로컬방송


영화 파운더 이 곡을 듣고 만들게 됐데요~.

영화 파운더 이 곡을 듣고 만들게 됐데요~. 같이 들어볼래요? 영화 파운더 OST는 아니고 제작자 돈 핸드필드가 이 곡을 듣다가 이 곡의 주인공에 호기심을 느끼고 레이 크록의 이야기를 추적하기 시작했데요~. Boom, Like That (그렇게 하면 벼락 부자가 될 것 같다) - Mark Knopfler (마크 노플러) 2004.10.07 발매 I’m going to San Bernardino ring-a-ding-ding 나는 샌 버나디노에 갈거야 링어딩딩 Milkshake mixers that’s my thing now 밀크쉐이크 믹서, 그게 바로 내 물건이지 These guys bought a heap of my stuff 이제 여기에서 한 건 크게 해볼까 And I gotta see a good thing shooting up now 내 물건을 잔뜩 사다니 Folks line up all down the street Now I am seeing this girl devour her meat now And then I get it Wham as clear as day My pulse begins to hammer then I hear a voice say These boys have got this down ought to be one of these in every town These boys have got the touch It's clean as a whistle and it don't cost much Wham bam don't wait long, shake fries plenty of gum How about that friendly name, heck, every little thing gotta stay the same Or my name is not Kroc, that's Kroc with a K A crocodile is not spelt that way now It's Dog eat dog, rat eat rat Kroc style - Boom like that You gentlemen are to expand You're gonna need a helping hand now So gentlemen well what about me? We'll make a little business history now Well we'll build it up and I'll buy him out The man they made me grind it out now They open up a new place flippin meat So I do too, right across the street I got the main I need town, sell em' in the end and it all shuts down Sometimes you gotta be an S.O.B. you wanna make a dream reality Competition sent em south, they're gonna drown or we're hosing em' out Do not pass go go straight to hell I smell a lotta meat .....da smell Or my name is not Kroc that's Kroc with a K A crocodile is not spelt that way now Ohh it's Dog eat Dog, Rat eat Rat Dog eat Dog, Rat eat Rat now Ohh it's Dog eat Dog, Rat eat Rat Kroc style - Boom like that 볼까했지만 목포에서는 상영을 안해서 광주에 가야 볼 수 있었다고 기억하는데...
여러분의 의견을 남겨주세요

※ 댓글 작성시 상대방에 대한 배려와 책임을 담아 깨끗한 댓글 환경에 동참해 주세요.
